fredag 20. januar 2012

Guess what, I have been to the vet today.

 We went to the vet today, and there was so many new things to look at....

 but this thing, I don't like it, but the vet said I needed to take a vaccine, and I tried to be brave. I made it!!! Then the vet held al long lecture for mom and dad, about , how to treat a cat well. Very interesting, and when she was talking about, not to overfeed the cat, me and dad looked at mom, and guess what, she blusshed, hi, hi...
Now I'm home again, and I'm sooo tired, so I will sleep for a long, long time..
Hugs and kisses from
Pernille XXX

12 kommentarer:

  1. Having a good vet is important. Coming home safely after the vet and sleeping is even more important.

    1. Yes it is, but sleeping and food is most important to me:-)

  2. Det är mycket hos vettisen! Det där sticket går ju över fort som tur är men tänk att alla vettisar måste prata om vikt! Vi är ju alla precis lagom för vår päls! Nosbuff

    1. Åh, så bra sagt Dui og Deco, hvorfor må de alltid prate om vekt. Jeg er lagom, og det er sikkert dere også:)


  3. We are glad the vet visit went well. "Don't overfeed the cat" never sounds good to us.

    1. It didn't sound good to me either;-)

  4. That was mean of your vet to tell your Mommy not to give you all the foods you want!! Let's tell HIS Mommy not to feed HIM what he wants!!

  5. Hi Pernille,Im so glad to hear you found a vet.He will always take good care of you if you ever get sick.Sleep well, meow hugs!

    1. Thanks Becky, my vet was nice, and she said I was so calm and beautiful. I liked that;-)

  6. Så bra att det gick bra hos veterinären och att det var en snäll veterinär :)
    Synd att hon tjatade om det där om för mycket mat bara ;-)

  7. Ja, det tycker jag med, men gillar inte tjatet om mat;)


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