onsdag 28. november 2012

I've got a new book, and I find it very interesting.

 Yes, it's a cat-book, and I can almost smell them...
..and this cat, I think it must be a night-cat :-)

Wish you all a happy week!
Hugs from Pernille.

onsdag 21. november 2012

Me, before and after work!

 Mom almost screamed when I came home from my work, mousehunting,
 looking like this!

No, I don't want to bath, I'm going to take a nap now!

søndag 4. november 2012

Long time, no see...but here I am!

 It's been snowing here lately, and I wonder, do I like winter? I will give it a try!

 I stay cool during this winterstorm....I think...

 No, I don't like winter that much, I'm freezzzzing...
Oh, winter is so much better behind the window, staring out!

Wish you all a nice week, and thanks for your sweet comments in my last post about Tiger. He is a happy cat now, and his new family loves him a lot.