onsdag 25. januar 2012

Look, I'm talking to the birds!

9 kommentarer:

  1. We turned our volume right up and we could hear your little squeaks to them. We like to talk to the birds too.

  2. We can't get your photo or movie! Boo! Love to you, dear.

  3. hahah so cute.She has such a soft voice.Meow hugs for her.

  4. Oh no, it says the movie is not available. Pah!

  5. We can't see your movie but we are sure you are having fun!

  6. We can't get your movie so we didn't get to hear your cute little voice.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  7. Vi kan tyvärr inte heller se filmen. :( Synd, för vi hade gärna hört dig kvittra med fjäderkotletterna. Kurr och burr.


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