tirsdag 17. januar 2012

Looking through my window...

My life is much "looking and waiting". Not sure what I'm waiting for, but there always a chance something interestin might pop up :-)

 Have a nice day cat friends:-) Luv from Pernille XXX

7 kommentarer:

  1. Hej!
    Äiti has been looking on the map at where you live, and telling us that there are probably amazing things like merikotka (sea eagles) where you are. We have them here but luckily not too close and right now they have flown away south, but we must tell you that you must never go outside as that might be dangerous. Every year I go on merikotka watch to guard the catio against them. (Äiti's note - there is a lake about 200m away which they visit but actually we are in the city so Punapippuri is quite safe - he gets nervous though).

    But you have a really big sky visible so we hope you do see lots of yummy birdies. Maybe you see the northern lights sometimes, even though you are not so far north.

  2. Hi! Not so many sea eagles to see here, but in clear cold weather we sometimes see the northern light.
    Mom says, there's to many dangers outside here, so far, I have a good life inside.

    I watch birds, sleep and eat, and I like it that way:)

  3. Fin utsikt! Har du lite fjäderkotletter som flyger förbi? Nosbuff

  4. Ja, to stykk skjærer:-) Nosbuff:-)

  5. I also love looking out of my window and yes we may just see something very interesting. Enjoy.. HUgs GJ xx

  6. Det är aldrig tråkigt att sitta och spana vid fönstret! Spännande att titta på fåglarna och har man tur dyker det upp en ekorre. De är rackarns kvicka men väldigt skojiga! Kurr och burr.

  7. så sant, så sant...kurrr.XXX


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